
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Thank you for praying for “house church!” Last night we gathered under the pavilion in our neighborhood with four Dominican friends and had a sweet time of sharing Jesus and our life with them. God expanded Jonathan’s Spanish amazingly as he shared about the importance of storing our treasures up in heaven. The time felt real and authentic and we pray that our same friends will come again next week hungry to learn more.  During our time under the pavillion, 18 kids had “kid’s church” in our house. It was neat to hear their voices singing in the background. They too are having the opportunity to learn about Jesus and we pray that they get excited to come hear more each week!

2 responses to “Last Night”

  1. aw- yay! this post made me tear up- we’re so lucky to have friends like yall- who would’ve thought last year that we would be in these places? I’m so proud of yall- thank u for taking the word to these people. You’re amazing.

  2. This made me tear up too! yall are so awesome! Carrie THANK YOU so much again for your special phone call…that meant so much to me! Later that night I shared the verse with Matt…he loved it! We miss you both…cant wait to see you!